guru parampara
II Om Gurubhyo Namaha II
"Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Parabhrama. Tasmayi Shree Gurave Namaha"
Meaning: Guru is a creator, Guru is a Sustainer, Guru is also the destroyer of ignorance, Guru is the highest divinity for which we bow down in grace.
Guru Parampara is a lineage of disciples from a Guru who has traditionally followed a path of spiritual discipline and method.
A guru can be a shiksha guru, i.e the teacher who taught basic education or a spiritual master who bestowed the spiritual truth.
A Guru was always once a disciple. This is the marga or path that sets an individual on a pursuit of spiritual & material advancement.
A spiritually awakened person always understands the importance of his Guru as a prime figure in his life who holds his hands to cross the sea of samsara.

II Om Aim Saraswatye Namah II
II Om Draam Dattatreyaya Namah II
II Buddham Sharanam Gacchami II
II Thank You Usui Reiki Master II
Rising venus's guru parampara

Dr. Vishwanath Guruji

Dr. Gayathri gurumaa
Dr. Vishwanath Guruji & Dr. Gurumaa Gayathri are Founders of Spiritual Solutions Centre, Bangalore.
They are Holistic Therapists, Past Life Regressionists, Student Mind Trainers, Life Coach & Spiritual Masters.
After returning to India, Deepti took spiritual diksha from Guruji & Gurumaa who taught her the Science of Hypnosis, Past life regression, Future life progression, Life between lives, Akashic records, Astral traveling, Chakral healing, Breath healing, Pratiprasava kriya yoga, Manoyoga, Advanced psychotherapy, Psycho-Spiritual counseling, Quantum healing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive science, Trance levels, Power of the subconscious mind, Brain-heart coherence, Mind training for students, athletes, entrepreneurs, visionaries, etc. Akashic records, Entity clearing/ Mandala activation, Breath healing, Sound healing, Mantra meditations, etc.
Deepti's life entirely changed after meeting her Guruji & Gurumaa.
They are her mentors who guide her continuously in all her spiritual and material endeavors. They are the driving force behind Rising Venus Holistic Consultancy.