{Date- 20 & 21 Feb 2022}
Sankalpa Siddhi Sadhana Yoga is a 2 day workshop on goal setting and manifesting in a vedic method followed and practiced in India since time immemorial. This is a contrast with Law of Attraction which is a westernized concept that omits principles like karma and life cycle. LOA is very linear and does not yield results in long term + bypass the karmic lessons that come back like a boomerang after sometime. Often LOA method drains off a person by building castles in air while having high expectations that later turn into disappointment. This is the primary reason why people complain "manifestion does not work" which is untrue.
Which is why the right way of manifesting is the vedic method of Sankalpa Siddhi Sadhana which does not bypass karma but rather make us aware of it by helping us transforming the unfavourable karma into favorable karma. The method follows various chanting of vedic mantras, activating sankalpas through chakras and installing the intention into cosmic womb.
This workshop is one of it's kind that is not sensationalized on social platforms but has proven to work effectively.
If you have not been able to practically set your goals, If you are unable to put your goals into motion, If you are unable to achieve your dreams and desires, If you have been failing miserably in manifesting your vision even after trying various LOA methods, Then this workshop is for you!
Any person who wants to do goal setting and work towards them can join the workshop.
Energy exchange :
International : $60 USD
India : 1300 INR (Gpay/phonepe : 9108273426)

Crystals are conscious beings that are grown deep inside the earth's crust for millions of years under pressure.
They carry specific vibration and frequency that allows the crystals to be interdimensional.
Healing with crystals is a gentle way of balancing our physical, emotional and mental states.
Crystals work on our subtle bodies by tuning into our electro-magnetic frequency while readjusting our frequency to the higher crystalline vibration.
Crystals are great companion to have for all walks of life. Ex: Rose quartz for self love, lapiz lazuli for speaking truth, amethyst for higher knowledge etc.
This workshop will introduce you to crystals, their vibration, their properties, how to connect with crystalline frequencies and how crystals support us in our healing journey.
Dates to be announced on March 2022

EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique that involves tapping on the energy meridians in the body that alleviate stress and bring mental and emotional balance. It takes only few minutes of the day and can be done anytime during the day. This is best for relieving the stress during work time or any moment when stress is getting out of control but need immediate attention.
EFT workshop is aimed at training an individual to manage stress in day to day life and improve performance in their work & activities.
EFT workshop dates to be released soon.

Breathwork is essential for harmonizing mind, body & spirit. Yogic breathing guided by a professional can help an individual to overcome stress and somatic problems that cause mental and emotional disturbances. Conscious breathing can make one become aware of their consciousness and their present existence. Regular practice of breathwork modalities can shift a person's overall aura and strengthen their personality.
Breathwork workshop dates yet to be released.

Chakras are nothing but energy centers in our body. There are 7 main body chakras and plenty of minor chakras. Primary chakras are associated with certain color for which they have certain functionality to perform on all levels of the body including physical, mental, causal and subtle bodies.
When an individual's spiritual hygiene is not taken care of, the chakras become imbalanced and inactive.
Such person goes through stress. anxiety & depression as chakras become dysfunctional.
Regular clearing and balancing of chakras is essential to maintain healthy levels of emotional and mental stability.
Chakra healing and color therapy workshop is aimed at everyone who would like to self-heal and work with their chakras for healthy lifestyle.
Workshop dates yet to be announced.

Womb healing workshop and masterclass was aimed at healing feminine trauma and repressed emotions women carry from current and past lifetimes.
It was co-hosted by 5 amazing healers/therapists who took initiative in educating women about their womb.
The masterclasses were done in 5 sections for 5 days from 5 speakers, each focusing on different areas of life.
The participants greatly benefitted from this and the outcome of the workshop bought immense healing.
The next workshop is yet to be scheduled.